Thursday, January 31, 2008

Week 3 Reflection

The reading provides an overview of the different principles we should take into consideration when using the Internet for teaching. The principles are divided into learning goals, teaching guidelines, and planning tips. I think that they are quite useful and I realized that I have already incorporated some of them in my own teaching.
I want to help my students to be more creative and become independent learners. They can cooperate and collaborate with others, and think critically. With the help of the Internet, I think these goals can be achieved.
In the teaching guidelines section, the authors mention that if computers are well integrated into the curriculum, dual immersion can be best achieved. The project-based learning approach allows students to gain experience in developing their learning goals and it goes along with the student-centered learning approach. In my school, IT is included in the teaching schedules and there are IT elements in each module. Also, students are often asked to do projects which they can choose the topic that they are interested in.
Once I asked my students to work in groups and give a presentation on a famous person who they really admire. First, students had to discuss and decide who they were going to work on and give reasons. Then they had to search the information of that person from the Internet. After that, they had to analyze and organize the information to prepare a PowerPoint presentation. Lastly, they had to give their presentation to the whole class. From my observation, I found my students enjoyed doing the project and they got the experience that can be never gained from normal lessons. For the product, most of them did give really great presentations. While the students were doing the project, I found my role was different. I was not the one who tell them what to do but be a facilitator and a guide that provided suitable instructions and help for them.

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